
Interesting facts about humpback whales

In our world, there are a number of different whales that populate the oceans, with 40,000 of these magnificent creatures being humpback whales. These beautiful animals were once targeted by hunters as their slow movements made them a lot easier to catch, with now only 35% of the original population surviving. Here we can take

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According to science, dogs can smell emotions

Dogs are pretty darn amazing you know?! Not only are these four-legged friends man’s (and woman’s) best friend, but they are also much more developed and switched on than we give them credit for. We often think of dogs as being simple-minded or dim-witted, when, in reality, dogs can actually be wicked smart. We already

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What happens to your body when you binge eat

Most of us are aware that many people struggle with eating disorders such as anorexia, but there is another end of the spectrum. Binge eating. Attending a party or a celebration and stuffing yourself until your belt is creaking is not uncommon, although consuming the same quantity regularly without the excuse of a special occasion

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Scientists are working on giving us superhuman vision

Have you ever stopped to realize how amazing it is that just about all complex life on Earth has developed an organ that can translate light into information that can be processed to fundamentally run the way we live? Other organs can do pretty amazing things, but just imagine where we would be without the

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Simple science experiments you can try at home

One of the best things about learning science as a young child is the experiments your teachers get you to do. They want to inspire you to enjoy a world of chemicals and elements, so they really pull out all the stops. The problem for parents is that they don’t have a laboratory at home,

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How the Aurora lights are caused

Got a Bucket List? Well, we’re willing to bet that somewhere on that list you have the Aurora Borealis, otherwise known as the Northern Lights. This stunningly beautiful light formation occurs in the skies over the Northern Hemisphere. These can traditionally be seen from countries like Iceland, Greenland, and many of the Scandinavian nations. Those

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What do we know about Halley’s comet

Halley’s Comet is most definitely the most famous comet in history and is visible from Earth roughly once every 75 years. It was last seen in our solar system in 1986, and the activity of the comet has been studied and recorded since as far back as 200 BC. The comet was named after the

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Hedy Lamarr: The Hollywood star who helped invent wifi

We know that many Hollywood stars these days have other talents, and with the exposure of social media, these are generally well-known. There is a big movement for female empowerment in the movies these days, but that wasn’t always the case. And there is perhaps no actress in Hollywood history who better encapsulates this than

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Are honeybees right-handed or left-handed?

You may think this is the strangest question to have ever been asked in science, as honeybees don’t have hands (surely?), but hear us out. In a paper published in PLOS One, four researchers have looked at whether honeybees favor one ‘hand’ over another. Authored by Marielle Ong, Julia Groening, Michael Bulmer and Mandyam V.

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Should you limit your own screen time?

A lot of people spend a lot of time in front of screens nowadays. Either they’re watching TV, using their computers or on their phones. There’s a lot of interesting and entertaining stuff to be found in these kinds of media, and most people don’t know how to stay away. These devices have become the

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Surprising facts about Pluto

We know about so many of the planets in our classical solar system. Earth, of course, we know all about, and in recent years we have begun to learn more about Mars and Jupiter, etc. But, of the nine traditional planets, it’s the ninth (and smallest) planet, Pluto, that we arguably know the least about;

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