
How science can make you relax

We never give ourselves enough time to relax. For many of us, it’s hard to wind down after a long day at work, especially if we’ve got a lot on our plate. If we can’t find some downtime to destress, though, then we’re no use to anyone. Fortunately, there are several science-backed methods for relaxing

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What do the numbers on a barcode mean?

We never really stop and think about barcodes. They’re just something that’s there for cashiers to scan so the right price comes up on the cash register. While that may be their purpose, there’s a lot more that goes into barcodes than just some lines and numbers. Those digits actually mean something, and each one

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Scientifically proven ways to improve learning

Learning new things and storing information in our brains is at the very core of human life. The more we learn, the more knowledge we gain about ourselves, the world around us, and the things in it – so why, oh why, is studying so darn difficult? The methods and techniques you use when you

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The best fun-facts most people probably don’t know

The world is a big place, so it’s impossible to know everything that goes on in it. Thanks to the internet we have access to all of the facts, but does that mean we bother looking for them? Here are some fun facts you, and most other people, probably don’t know! Walmart’s acceptance rate Did

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How to learn a new language

Ever since the beginning of time, different languages surrounded the world. Learning a new language can be challenging, but it’s not impossible, and it’s even easier if you know the tips and tricks to help you learn, understand, and memorize the new language better. With persistence and patience, you will be able to speak and

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Why are traffic lights red, yellow and green?

Have you ever sat at a traffic light and wondered why the lights are the color they are? It’s not something we ever really consider, but when you’re waiting a good few years for the light to turn green again, the thought might cross your mind. Why red, yellow and green? Blue’s a perfectly good

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Best board games for a night with your friends

In recent years, board games have evolved from being games that your parents made you reluctantly play as a family that ended in arguments, to a fun way to spend a Friday night with your friends. Alongside your old favorites, games companies are continually releasing new and exciting offerings that are perfect for a games

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Why do songs get stuck in our heads?

Perhaps there is a song in your life that transports you to a special place as soon as you hear the first chord? It could be a time in your life, a waterfall of emotions, or a song that speaks to you that you can’t help but sing whenever you get the chance. Sometimes it’s

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What kind of reusable bag is best for the planet?

With all the debates surrounding the environment going around, more and more people are trying to take up a more environmentally-friendly approach to their daily life. One of the biggest debates is about what kind of bags we should use, especially when people have called for the ban of the conventional plastic bag. After all,

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5 things most people don’t know about willpower

Willpower is defined as the ability to overrule the unconscious bodily desires so as to make rational choices. You need willpower no matter what you wish to achieve in life. Willpower functions like a sort of mental fuel.  You use your willpower to make conscious decisions. And surprisingly, you need a good night’s sleep so

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How to sound smart on a date (but not too smart)

Finally landing a date with someone we’ve had our eyes on for a while is a great feeling. And of course, we want it to go well because, well, first impressions last and what we really want is date number two. That’s probably not going to happen if we are too nervous, fumble over our

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Is There Really Such Thing As ‘Muscle Memory’?

There are so many things we do in life that we do without even thinking about. As I type this article right now, my fingers automatically go to the keys without me having to look (I know, I’m super talented) – and it’s the same for other people. They might be able to play a

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