
The secret halo of flowers

Nature is pretty amazing sometimes; even just thinking about the way the process of pollination works. Living things are pretty amazing, and there are few things as amazing as flowers in the natural world. We might be moving away from the warmer seasons, where flowers blossom and bloom, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t learn

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How do hummingbirds sleep?

Some animals have very curious habits when they sleep. Horses do it while standing up, albatrosses while they’re flying, and sea otters while they’re drifting along the water (and holding hands because they’re so adorable). Giraffes never even sleep for more than 20 minutes at a time, otherwise they risk being attacked by predators. As

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The best sci-fi books of the modern age

Science fiction has always been the domain of the imaginative, and it’s been wonderful to look at the way authors saw the world in the future. The flying cars in 2015 in Back to the Future II seem laughably off the mark these days, but, there are some sci-fi writers who were much closer to

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Why your shoelaces come untied when you run

This must be one of the most frustrating things that happens a when you go out on a fun run! You have tried so many different knots and double knots, yet they still manage to come untied! It can be so awkward finding a suitable place to stop and bend over, then re-lace your shoes

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How to grow a snowflake inside a bottle

A white Christmas is certainly the dream, but how often that becomes a reality is largely dependent on where you live. Living somewhere like Minnesota, sure, you have a good chance of snow this Christmas. Florida, on the other hand, not so much. But, don’t worry – there is a way that you can still

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Why do things float in the water?

Let’s be honest, most of us love nothing more than a good ol’ bath. Of course, there are some people who swear by a shower rather than a bath – but whatever floats your boat. Talking of floating boats, have you ever wondered why things float in water? Perhaps you’ve always wondered why your favorite

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The powerful rains of Titan

There are so many incredible things we are still discovering about the universe and our solar system as a whole. There are an infinite number of potential galaxies and solar systems in space, and we’re still trying to find out about our own. We know the planets that inhabit our solar system, and we know

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Why you can sometimes see the moon during the day

On a clear night, we get to enjoy the wonders of space as we look at the stars and the moon. Then when the day rolls around, we are greeted by the fluffy clouds and the warmth of the sun, but hang on, is that the moon we can see? Where did that come from,

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What happened to the dinosaurs

Let’s be honest, dinosaurs are cool! Anyone who has seen Jurassic Park will understand how awesome dinosaurs can be. And, the best thing about them is that they aren’t a made-up concept – dinosaurs really did rule the world! It seems incredible to think that the world we inhabit now used to be inhabited by

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Free websites to learn science from

Science is pretty darn awesome, right? Even if it was never your strongest subject in school, it was always fascinating and full of cool experiments. Think about how many avenues of science have wound up changing the world, and how important science is these days, where we are so tech-dominated. Despite the fact that science

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5 cool facts about NASA

NASA is one of the coolest organizations on Earth, and they operate at the forefront of space exploration and scientific discovery. Let’s be honest, the whole idea of space travel is pretty rad, and we’re willing to bet that when you were a kid, you knew at least one kid who wanted to be an

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Are plants able to learn?

If you cast your mind back to the days of those high school biology classes, can you remember anything you learned about plants? Maybe you remember a little bit about photosynthesis. But it’s quite probable that it’s not the most interesting or exciting memory in your life (unless you’re a botanist). It has long been

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5 astronomy facts everyone has to know

Our universe is so big and vast that even the world’s top thinkers don’t fully understand it. The stars can’t be counted, and the universe continues to expand, so it’s natural to want to understand this giant we live in. Here are five awesome facts everyone should know about astronomy that go beyond the stars.

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How bad is sleeping with the TV on?

Lying in bed with the TV on is how many of us like to end our days. It doesn’t help that streaming services make it easier than ever to watch just one more episode of our favorite shows. Often we can find ourselves awake until the small hours of the morning, getting our TV fix

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These people are planning to colonize Mars

Mars might be nearly 34 million miles away, but what if we told you it might not be long until some people are calling the planet “home”? That’s right; these people are planning to colonize Mars, and it might not sound as out of this world as it first seems. The Mars One Program It

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