
Cool science experiments you can do at home

In today’s day and age, it’s easy to simply plonk yourself in front of the television and watch movies and video games for hours on end. While this is fun for a little while, you soon realize that it can get pretty darn boring. But when the weather is awful and you don’t have any

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The origins of the number zero

Numbers play a major part in pretty much everything we do these days. Even if you aren’t a fan of maths, or you work a job that is more creative, numbers still play a part. Our lifestyles and economies all revolve around numbers, and we use them every day. When we pay for something, tell

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Interesting facts about Jane Goodall

Dame Jane Morris Goodall is a world renowned anthropologist and primatologist. With more than 55 years spent studying the life of wild chimpanzees, she’s considered the world’s number 1 expert on them. Her experience with the chimpanzees began in 1960 when she went to Gombe Stream National Park in Tanzania. Over the years, she has

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The best science documentaries

Science documentaries are programs that are educative, and the best of them are entertaining in a way that captures the undivided attention of even those with the least interest in science. These documentaries go into detail about various aspects of the world and universe around us. They help viewers understand a lot of things that

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Glaring mistakes films got wrong about science

Science – we love the word! It’s the thing that keeps the world turning, and gives us the chance to learn all about the planet and every creature that lives here. As if they weren’t enough already, science also provides us with an answer to all the “whys” we have asked over the years. It

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What your phone does to your brain

Phones are a hugely important part of our lives, and we are so reliant on them that we can’t imagine life with no phone. Yes, they can be a life-saver these days, and they are so useful that we use them to run our lives. But, have you ever thought about what your phone is

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Why Pluto isn’t a planet anymore

The night sky is a mystery and wonder that captivates and baffles people from the most ignorant novice of astronomy to experts in the field. Every day we are discovering more objects in our solar system and galaxies beyond. With the advances in technology, we are able to fly spacecrafts out to the most distant

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5 famous myths about how famous discoveries were made

Many of us have heard the stories, and some of us may have even re-told them to make us seem like the brainbox at the party. We hate to break it to you, but there are some famous myths about how famous discoveries were made. Benjamin Franklin and his kite Many of us have heard

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The science behind the movie Interstellar

Interstellar is one of the most interesting and cerebral movies ever, and cemented Christopher Nolan’s status as one of the leading filmmakers in Hollywood. It also illustrated, once again, the popularity of intelligent films, and how people enjoy movies that make them think. The movie follows a group of astronauts who travel to space in

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All about the growing popularity of virtual reality

Virtual reality is something that has developed right alongside technology. As we grow more advanced as a society, it becomes necessary to adapt and evolve. There are so many wonderful things that technology has brought us, and computers now pretty much rule the roost. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing; for one, it’s made life

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New program trains dogs to sniff out art smugglers

Since the dawn of time, dogs have not just been used to cuddle after a long day or used to confess your deepest and darkest secrets to. In fact, dogs have been used within the military, as service dogs, and even as sniffer dogs. Yep, the last time you went to the airport, there’s a

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How are vaccines made?

In the very beginning of vaccine production, the method used was somewhat more primitive than the advanced science we use nowadays. Smallpox was the first illness that a vaccine was produced for, as a physician called Edward Jenner noted that milkmaids who had caught cowpox from their herds could not then catch the deadly smallpox.

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Why we look so different in selfies vs. the mirror

We’ve all experienced that frustrating moment when we feel like we look super cute in the mirror, but when it comes to taking a selfie, we look entirely different. It doesn’t seem to matter what angle we use, how we change the lighting, or how many hundreds of pictures we take, the way we look

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