How to really protect your security and privacy on the internet

Staying safe online has never been more important. The amount of access governments have to our personal information continues to expand, and there’s no shortage of hackers looking to exploit any gaps in our defenses. All they have to do is break through once, and they can see all the things we’d prefer stayed hidden. The development of technology might have made certain things in our lives easier, but it’s also put us at great risk. So, how do you keep yourself protected during these dangerous times?

Keep your phones secure

One way that people can access your information is through your smartphone. These devices generally ask for things like passcodes or touch IDs before you can enter the phone; however, they’re rate of success differs.

If you want to prevent people from accessing information through your phone, don’t use your fingerprint as your first defense. The government can’t force you to give up your phone’s password, but they can make you open the device with your fingerprint if possible. Don’t give them that option.

How to really protect your security and privacy on the internet

Set up antivirus software

Obviously, if you want to be protected on the internet, you need to have something in place to defend against things like malware. Not having this can make you extremely vulnerable to attacks, and they happen more than you might think. Sometimes you might click on a dangerous site by accident, and that’s all it takes for your computer to become infected.

If you’re concerned about the safety of your information online, then go for the best antivirus software available. It might be a bit more expensive, but you can trust it will provide you with the best defense possible.

Don’t be predictable with passwords

Passwords are often one of the biggest downfalls for people when it comes to securing their privacy online. If you’ve gotten into the hang of using the same one all the time, it’s time to change things up immediately. That is unless you want people to have unlimited access to your various accounts, of course.

It might be more complicated trying to remember all your different passwords, but that’s better than having your information compromised online.

How to really protect your security and privacy on the internet

Use HTTPS links

Whenever you use a website, it’s always a good idea to check whether or not the link is secure or not. You can easily tell this by seeing if the address starts with https, or if there’s a lock symbol in the browser. The introduction of these more secure links has made it so much easier to know whether or not the site you’re using is safe.

If the web address doesn’t have https in it, there’s a chance the site could become a victim of hacking. It wouldn’t be too hard for experts to then add malware to it, thus putting you at risk of having your data stolen. That’s the last thing you want, especially when it’s such an easy thing to avoid.

Protecting yourself online can sometimes seem like such a difficult task, especially with all the things you see in the news these days. However, don’t stress. Just keep these tips in mind, and you’ll be fine.

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