Savage yearbook quotes that prove seniors have no limits

Savage yearbook quotes that prove seniors have no limits

Unless you were a super genius who went straight from first grade to college, there’s a high chance that you had to endure the wrath of high school. While many people would do anything to go back to high school instead of going to their everyday 9-5, there are others who have a better memory and remember just how horrific those years were. If you’re struggling to remember yourself, these seniors have summed it up with their savage yearbook quotes.

[post_page_title]A waste of time[/post_page_title]

Although you may not have counted how many hours you spent at high school, this young lady did just that. She didn’t want to learn about the French Revolution, so she tallied up her hours of boredom instead.

A waste of time

By the end of it, she was hoping for something a little fancier than just a piece of paper and a handshake. What a waste of time, right?

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